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Luxury villa rental » France » Corsica » Cap Corse

1 Luxury villas for rent in Cap Corse

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rental villa Cap Corse   for 8 guests

France, Corsica
villa - Cap Corse

Ref : CORCAP 040
Elegant new villa in timeless style, facing the sea, close to the maquis and small beaches between the rocks, located in Centuri Cap Corse, the wild side of the “island of beauty” where nature and heritage are preserved.The house enjoys an exceptional view of the sea and the mountains. You will be delighted by the ever-renewed beauty of the sunsets. The house is declined in clear and refined volumes, with the sober and contemporary... more details...
Rates : From 2 860 € to 5 000 € / week
Guests8 Guests - Bedrooms4 Bedrooms


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