Should you feel like having dynamic holidays, take look a this dedicated section of our selections of properties where nature offers amazing adventurous experiences.
Best properties for rent

“What is coming is better than what’s gone” – Arabic proverb
As we live in the era where technology is at its peak, at times it gets important to disconnect with the world in order to reconnect with the self. Since every minute in life is valuable and not to be wasted on regrets. Live your life to the fullest and invest each moment to inspire yourself, get yourself out of that comfort zone and complete that bucket list you always wanted to!
As you explore your imagination and find yourself in the wild, mountain biking or rock climbing on reaching the summit pumps you up with an adrenaline rush to your veins. Encountering to the extreme side of nature which consists of tropical rainforests, vegetation, animals and surrounding people energizes you with awe and wonder as you breath in the diverse ecosystem.
Whether you travel solo, with friends or family head out to great set of outdoor activities ranging from scuba diving, fly fishing, white-water rafting, snorkelling which can be enjoyed near our villas in Costa Rica, Sri Lanka